Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Recycling Small Appliances

There are several places in town that will pay for metal that we take to them. So, small appliances like toasters can be taken to Wasatch Metal and Metro Recyclers, for example, and they will pay 5 cents per pound for metal they receive.

Metro Recyclers
401 W 900 South, Salt Lake City, UT, 84101
(801) 410-0939

Wasatch Metal Recycling
205 W 3300 South, Salt Lake City, UT, 84115
(801) 803-5806

The Transfer Station in Ogden, 801-399-8358, will take all small appliances, even those that have plastic in them, like coffee pots, but will not pay us for the items. You might call the Transfer Station to make sure they don't charge a fee for accepting your appliances.

A place that seems to accept anything and everything, and will accept most items without charge, is Stone Castle Recycling in Clearfield. Copy their web site to your browser and take a look: Their motto is if it can be made, it can be recycled.

1 comment:

  1. Hello! I love the blog. Great resource for Utah. I enjoy reading it. I just wanted to chime in real quick to let you know that most recyclers will require that a refrigerator be drained of all CFC's before it is brought in for recycling. Also, the amount paid for appliances(and other metals) can actually vary from time to time depending on factors like the stock market and the price of raw steel. The best way to find out current pricing is probably to call your local recycler.
