Tuesday, December 15, 2009

December Campaign Update - Transportation

Great job, everyone! We are having a wonderful response to the Idle Free campaign. We are half way through the month and already have 44 people pledging to turn off their cars rather than keeping them idle. Whether moving or not, a running car engine consumes fuel. Don't preheat; drive as soon as you start the engine. (An exception might be when for safety reasons, you have to defrost the windshield). Keep blankets/throws in your car if you or your kids are cold when you first start your engine; wear scarves and gloves.

Send me an email if you want to pledge to remain idle free and I will enter your name into this month's prize drawing and bring you an "Idle Free" glass cling.

Thanks to all who attended last week's Brown Bag. We had a fun time meeting with Elissa Richards of the National Energy Foundation and checking the air in our tires. About 50% of the tires we checked were low, so it is really important to check air pressure - once each month. Remember that keeping your tires properly inflated and aligned improves your gasoline mileage by around 3.3%.

Here are some additional ideas for saving fuel:
* Replace or clean air filters regularly. Clogged filters prevent air from entering the cylinder and will result in poor car performance and increase fuel consumption.
* Align your wheels properly.* Change oil and maintain your car regularly to find out problems on time.
* Use the right type of oil for your car. Using a different motor oil can lower gasoline mileage by 1-2%.
* Get regular engine tune-ups and car maintenance checks to avoid fuel economy problems due to worn spark plugs, dragging brakes, low transmission fluid, or transmission problems.
* Reduce the heaviness of your car - extra weight consumes fuel. If you have extra stuff that you must carry, put them inside the car or in the trunk as opposed to putting them on the roof rack. Loaded roof racks are known to decrease fuel economy more than 5%.
* Combine errands into one trip. Several short trips, each one taken from a cold start, can use twice as much fuel as one trip covering the same distance when the engine is warm.
* The use of cruise control when on the open highway saves gas by keeping the car at a steady speed.

Finally, I just want to mention that I am witnessing a cultural change in the Department. In the last few months, I have seen more recycling going on, more people turning off their appliances when not in use, and generally more people thinking about ways they can reduce energy consumption. I'm impressed and really appreciate all your efforts!!! You are awesome!!

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