Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Thu 10/22/09 Brown Bag - Kill a Watt - Phantom Load

I have borrowed a cool gadget called "Kill a Watt." It's supposed to help us see how much energy our appliances are using. If you are interested in joining me for a quick lunch activity, you can bring your lunch tomorrow and meet with me and our friend Elissa Richards from the National Energy Foundation. We will hopefully get to walk around and try the Kill a Watt on various personal appliances. Elissa is bringing some information regarding appliances and energy usage, and she's bringing treats. So, I hope you can join us. We will meet at 11:45 a.m. in Rm 402 on the 4th floor, right across from the elevators on the other side of the DOPL front desk.

By the way, did you know:
A study shows that standby power consumption in the US accounts for 5% of all residential power consumption. That means Americans spend more than $3.5 billion annually on wasted power. It also means that our standby power is responsible for 27 tons of carbon dioxide emissions.For instance, 40% of microwave ovens used more electricity to power the clock and keypad over the course of the year than actually heating food.

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